Comics nach Autor / Illustrator - S

TitelOriginaltitelGenreAutor / IllustratorVerlagWertung
Hack /Slash.
Vol 1: Der erste Schnitt
Hack /Slash.
Omnibus Vol 1
HorrorSAlman, AndiImage
Dial H - Bei Anruf Held
Vol 1: Neue Verbindung
Dial H
Vol 1: Into You
FantasySantolouco, MateusPanini
Annas Paradies
1: Von Dieben und Schmugglern
FantasydramaSchreiber, DanielSplitter
Annas Paradies
2: Der Hirte
FantasydramaSchreiber, DanielSplitter
Hack /Slash.
Vol 1: Der erste Schnitt
Hack /Slash.
Omnibus Vol 1
HorrorSEeley, TimImage
Vol 1: Unter Freunden
Vol 1: You're Among Friends
HorrordramaSeeley, TimImage
Vol 2: Leben dein Leben
Vol 2: Live Like You Mean It
HorrordramaSeeley, TimImage
Vol 3: Ein ferner Ort
Vol 3: A Faraway Place
HorrordramaSeeley, TimImage
Vol 4: Flucht aus Wisconsin
Vol 4: Escape to Wisconsin
HorrordramaSeeley, TimImage
Vol 5: Steigende Fluten
Vol 5: Gathering of Waters
HorrordramaSeeley, TimImage
Vol 6: Deine treuen Söhne und Töchter
Vol 6: Thy Loyal Sons and Daughters
HorrordramaSeeley, TimImage
Broken Trinity Vol 1FantasySejic, StjepanTop Cow
Witchblade Redemption Vol 1Witchblade Redemption Vol 1FantasySejic, StjepanTop Cow
Witchblade Redemption Vol 2Witchblade Redemption Vol 2FantasySejic, StjepanTop Cow
Witchblade Redemption Vol 3Witchblade Redemption Vol 3FantasySejic, StjepanTop Cow
Witchblade Redemption Vol 4Witchblade Redemption Vol 4FantasySejic, StjepanTop Cow
Resident Evil - Marhawa Desire 1Biohazard - Marhawa Desire 1HorrorSerizawa, NaokiKazé: Manga
Vol 3: Drei glorreiche Halunken
Vol 3: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
FantasykomödieSHalvey, DeclanMarvel
1: Der Zauberer von Oz
1: The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
KinderShanower, EricMarvel
Witchblade Redemption Vol 3Witchblade Redemption Vol 3FantasyShasteen, TonyTop Cow
BreatheDrama / KrimiSheridan, JohnMarkosia
Dead Space: LiberationScience Fiction-HorrorShy, ChristopherTitan Books
Dead Space: SalvageScience Fiction-HorrorShy, ChristopherTitan Books
The Stuff of Legend
Vol 1: The Dark
FantasySMith, BrianTh3rd World
The Stuff of Legend
Vol 2: The Jungle
FantasySmith, BrianTh3rd World
The Stuff of Legend
Vol 3: A Jester's Tale
FantasySmith, BrianTh3rd World
The Stuff of Legend
Vol 4: The Toy Collector
FantasySmith, BrianTh3rd World
Ghost Money
1: Die Dame aus Dubai
Ghost Money
1: La Dame de Dubai
PolitthrillerSmolderen, ThierryAlles Gute!
SeveredHorrorSNyder, ScottImage
Swamp Thing
Vol 1: Die Auferstehung der Toten
Swamp Thing
Vol 1: Raise Them Bones
HorrorSnyder, ScottDC
Swamp Thing
Vol 2: Familiäre Fäule
Swamp Thing
Vol 2: Family Tree
HorrorSnyder, ScottPanini
WytchesHorrorSnyder, ScottImage
Algernon Woodcock
1: Verbotener Blick - Erster Teil
Algernon Woodcock
1: L'œil Fé - première partie
HistorischesSOrel, GuillaumeArboris
The Punisher Vol 2The Punisher Vol 2ThrillerSouthworth, MatthewMarvel
Bedlam Vol 1ThrillerSPencer, NickImage
Bedlam Vol 2HorrorthrillerSpencer, NickImage
Morning Glories
Vol 1: Für eine bessere Zukunft
Morning Glories Vol 1MysterythrillerSpencer, NickImage
Morning Glories
Vol 2: Alle werden frei
Morning Glories Vol 2MysterythrillerSpencer, NickImage
Morning Glories
Vol 3: Lauf um dein Leben
Morning Glories Vol 3MysterythrillerSpencer, NickImage
Saga Vol 1Saga Vol 1Fantasy / Science FictionSTaples, FionaImage
Saga Vol 2Saga Vol 2Fantasy / Science FictionStaples, FionaImage
Saga Vol 3Saga Vol 3Fantasy / Science FictionStaples, FionaImage
Saga Vol 4Saga Vol 4Fantasy / Science FictionStaples, FionaImage
Saga Vol 5Saga Vol 5Fantasy / Science FictionStaples, FionaImage
Vol 1: Wounded Animals
Science FictionStarkings, RichardImage
Broken Trinity Vol 1FantasySteelfreeze, BrianTop Cow
The Reason for DragonsFantasydramaStokely, JeffArchaia
We Will Bury YouHorrorStrahm, KyleIDW
Midnight Nation Vol 1HorrordramaStraczynski, J. MichaelTop Cow
The Punisher Vol 3The Punisher Vol 3ThrillerSUayan, MicoMarvel
Y: The Last Man
Vol 6: Girl on Girl
Y: The Last Man
Vol 6: Girl on Girl
Science FictionSudžuka, GoranPanini
Y: The Last Man
Vol 7: Extrablatt
Y: The Last Man
Vol 7: Paper Dolls
Science FictionSudžuka, GoranPanini